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BRIEFLY NEWS: Bertola Group wants to provide customers with a complete package of surface treatments, being able to include copper plating, nickel plating, chrome plating, PVD and painting treatments.

Bertola Group wants to provide customers with a complete package of surface treatments, being able to include copper plating, nickel plating, chrome plating, PVD and painting treatments (at this link you can discover the treatments of Bertola Group). Whatever the need, aesthetic and functional, Bertola Group can create samples on plastic or metal; particularly interesting is the combination of treatments to be able to create objects of the same color that can be combined with each other in compositions, both for indoors and outdoors. The collaboration between the companies then allows the exchange of customers, as those interested in chrome plating can view alternative aesthetic treatments or vice versa: this is why we are not talking about individual companies but about a Group. The management of the group is shared, and it offers transversal skills, as it knows the world of galvanic and painting it is possible to help the customer directing him towards the required characteristics: in particular, if it is not possible to chrome plating the plastic items, it is possible to process the PVD! Or if the painting fails to resist to certain temperatures or chemical resistance, it is possible to think of chroming the item. Customer support is the main focus of Bertola Group and only by ranging among the various treatments it is possible to be able to propose a high number of finishes on almost all the materials available.